It does not take a rocket scientist for anybody to see that we all live in a fallen world, and that things are not the way they are supposed to be. At this present time, you and I are inescapably stuck in a world that is dominated by all sorts of bad stuff like failure, fights, conflict, war, sickness, disease, and death.
What you and I really need is a Redeemer who can step in and save us from a sin-cursed world. Well, I have some very, very good news for every one of you: This is exactly what God has done. He has given us a Redeemer to save us from every trace of sin, curse, and death. His name is Jesus.
In Isaiah chapter 59, God tells us that this Redeemer is One who brings salvation for all who “turn from transgression” (Isa. 59:20). In other words, in the end He is not a Savior for every human being, but only those who repent from their Son to trust in Him as Lord and Savior. The offer of saving grace is indeed extended to all, and for this reason Jesus Christ can rightly be called the Savior of the world (John 4:42; 1 Tim. 2:4-6; 4:10). Jesus did die for the sin of every man (Isa. 53:6; Heb. 2:9; 1 John 2:2), but the truth is that His death only becomes efficacious for those who are willing to turn to Him in genuine faith. He is not a Savior to those who are too proud to tell God they need Christ as Lord and Savior.
However, for those who are willing to humble themselves, confess their sins to God, and believe in Jesus Christ, the blessing is immeasurable. God receives them as His own child (John 1:12). He forgives their sin and casts it as far as the east is from the west (Ps. 103). He gives them an everlasting salvation that can never, ever, ever be lost or forfeited (John 10:27-30; Rom. 8:28-30). This is really good news!
I don’t know about you, but God’s message of salvation gives me great peace. The longer I live the more weary I feel in this fallen world. Let us all find new strength by remembering the greatness of God’s saving grace in our Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ.
Love, Pastor Tim
I am with you Pastor Tim. I am also very weary of this sin cursed world and so looking forward to a home with my Lord and a brand new body that is perfect and has never been weighed down by sin.
But until then He has work for us to do and no matter how big or small the task we need to tackle it with joy.
Even so, come quickly Lord. Rev. 22:20